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Slurry Seal

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Type VMH - 21 is a compact cartridgised balanced seal specially developed for handling slurries, sludges, thick syrups and polymerising fluids. In the cartridge construction the springs are isolated from the fluid enhancing the seal life. After detaching of the location plates provided, the seal can be easily installed straight away without setting measurements. Series 50B is a sturdy robust, seal capable of maintenance free runs for years together.
Seal Characteristics
  • Single Seal
  • Balanced
  • Independent on direction of rotation
  • Cartridge Unit
  • Pulp & Paper
  • Slurry Pumps
  • Sludge Pumps
Performance Range
Shaft Diameter dl : 20...100mm
Pressure p : 18 bar (max)
Temperature t : -20...180°C
Velocity v : 20 m/sec
Series 51OB-D
Double seal arrangement forslurry application.
Seal Faces : Carbon, SiC, Tung. Carbide
Metal Parts : SS316, SS304, Hastelloy-C, Alloy 20
O-rings : Elastomers

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Agitator Seal, Capsulated Spring Seal, Cartridge Seals For Reactors, Cartridge Seals For Slurry Pumps, Conical Spring Seals, Cyclone Separator, Double Cartridge Seals For Pumps, Double Cartridge Seals For Slurry Application, Dry Seals For Reactors, Heat Exchanger, High Pressure Seal, Mechanical Seals, Mechanical Shaft Seals, Metal Bellow Seal, Metal Bellow Seals, Multi Spring Seal, Multi Spring Seals, Multisegment Carbon Seal Rings, P. T. F. E. Bellow Seal, Pumps Mechanical Seals, Rubber Bellow Seal, Single Coil Spring Seal, Single Coils Spring Seals, Slurry Seal, Thermosyphon, Turbines Mechanical Seals